Monday, August 22, 2011

All THings really are lawful! #ChristianLiberty

"All things are lawful for me, but not everything is beneficial. All things are lawful for me, but I won't be mastered by them. Meat is for your tummy, and your tummy is built for meat. Both will be rotting flesh someday." Paul to the Corinthians, paraphrased from memory.

Biblical Hermaneutics for Idiots: When someone repeats themselves in text, it's not by mistake. Paul was making a point.


Christianity liberty 101.1
Enjoy what God has made without worshipping it or wrecking it.

Now, Paul does qualify this liberty.

1. Not everything is great for you. (i.e. Gluttony, Addiction, Abuse of others and self, etc)
2. If you get addicted, stop (7 Deadly Sins, Gluttony, Baptists!, etc)

My former church LOVED to talk about how this passage should emphasize the restrictions.

Problem: Paul said the same phrase TWICE.

Ergo, the emphasis is on LIBERTY, not restriction.

Christian Liberty 101.2
If your lifestyle is actively leading someone to enslavement to said lifestyle, TONE IT DOWN!!

Alcoholism is real. I drink alcohol. If someone is actively trying to drink less alcohol because they are addicted, I
1. Won't buy them a shot
2. Usually won't drink around them.
3. Will encourage them to tone it down.


Proverbs: Don't stay LONG at the drink
uhh, there's more. someone look it up

Paul encouraged Timothy to drink wine because it really does aid digestion. LOOK IT UP.

It's the addiction, or involuntary worship of said drink that God doesn't like.

HE prefers you worship HIM.

NOT the Booze

But one drink a day is, yes, good for you. Your lovely liver can safely metabolize one serving of alcohol (8oz beer, 4 oz wine, 1 oz shot per Hour) That's from my TIPS training as a bartender.

Note to Baptist Friends: IF you really have a problem with this, I have, ok, I'll try to keep it to one word:

(i. e. Potlucks)

Enjoy Responsibility, and buy your DD's dinner!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hi! I'm Jim. I was raised by a former Catholic Priest in training and a Pentecostal introvert in a GARBC Baptist Church. Confused? So was I!

Let's complicated things further. This church went General Associated Regular Baptist to Independent Fundamental Baptist. Yep, those guys.

Having accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior at age 5ish, I set about my life being a good Christian boy hoping for a Happy Ending. Pun, sort of , intended.

Enter problems.

1. I'm Bipolar. Seriously. Axis I clinical. So there are two of me. Manic Happy Jim and Sad Depressed "Woe is me" Jim. This will be explained further in my other blog

2. Dad. He needs his own blog. We don't really know what was wrong with him. Let's call it Undiagnosed Schizophrenia. Completely possible.

3. Mom. Not a problem. She's my hero. Unfortunately she was made to believe that she was worthless and if any man graced her with any attention, she should worship him.

4. I was abused early in life. Sex drive started WAY too early. 2nd Grade. Not kidding.

Are we seeing some shit going down?

ok. If you know me, I hate reading. Seriously. BORING. I prefer more passive means of knowledge input (TV, CLOUD).

I also hate typing. Ironic, huh? However, when Manic Jim is up to bat, the brain is spinning like... something that spins quite fast. So posts will be short, to the point, and, in my humble opinion, interesting.

I am a Christian Bohemian.


what could this mean? well seeing as I've been spiritually aware since age 5, I've been thinking about this for 25 years or so. I choose my words carefully.

Christian: Little Christ. Jesus loves me, this I know. Bible tells me so. etc.

Bohemian: hehe. This is the fun part.

I identify myself as a Bohemian in the sense that I love sensual everything. Food, Art, music, beer, sex, yes i did say sex, people, life, nature, woohoo.

And I let others live their lives any way they damn well please.

Sorry, I cuss when I think. Fucking TV

Live and let live, eat, drink, be merry

"As ye harm no one, do as thou wilt"

Complete Laisse Faire Hippie Beatnik shit.

Feel free to be offended. IT's your right

CUNT pussy dick

I don't have Terret's

So, Gentle Reader, if this interests you, read on. This is me getting shit out of my head so I can Sleep before Monday.

More to come!

Love Y'all!